Friday, December 4, 2009

Login information may be my undoing

I can't believe it's been nearly a year since I made an entry here. It's most definitely not because my life has regained any sense of normalcy. That won't happen for another fifteen years or so. The reason I haven't blogged in a year is simple - I forgot my login information. In the midst of moving some furniture and cleaning around my desk the other day, I found it scribbled on a receipt. Thank goodness for my awesome organizational skills.

This is a frightening sight to me. Any time I'm required to log in to a website, I have a moment of panic. There are too many variables. I have several email addresses and a couple of different user ID's that I use, and a couple of different passwords I use, depending on the requirements.
Some websites just want at least four characters in a password. Others want twelve characters, with at least one capital letter, one lower case letter, four numbers, two symbols, the name of your first born child and an exclamation point all tucked in there just for fun.
Given the number of email addresses, user names and the number of possible passwords I may have used, every login attempt has at least *pause to figure mathematical equations* about ten million possibilites.
I'm hopeless. It's a wonder I can get dressed in the morning without help.

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