Saturday, May 17, 2008

Guns, mud tires and a good ass kicking - ah, the news.

My husband loves to watch the news. He'll turn on the 24 hour news channel and watch it all day long. I hate the news. It's sad and scary, and I know if anything really important is going on that he'll tell me the story, then I'll Google it and get the accurate story.

That might sound witchy, but hey... I never claimed to be nice. The thing is, as much as he loves watching it, he doesn't really pay attention. His mind goes off on tangents when he hears key words. For example, last night there was a story about who knows what, but they said the word "gun." This set off a chain reaction in his head.

"I want to get a right to carry permit."

Uh-huh. Right. We don't do guns in this house.

"We don't do guns in this house, remember?"

"I won't get a gun, just a permit."

And how does this make sense? I asked him what he was going to do with just a permit.

"Keep it for one day when I can get a gun."

Well now, that just doesn't make sense, does it? That would be like getting a giant set of mud tires and having no truck to put them on. He'd want a new truck. He'd look for every opportunity to get a new truck. He'd wish for a new truck every single day so he could use his new set of tires. I told him this, and he looked thoughtful for a minute.

"You are so smart, Robin. That's why I love you."

Any average person hearing those words would assume they got their point across. I, however, know my husband, and I know that's not what happened. There was no point made, just a new idea planted in his head. "You are not getting a new truck with giant mud tires, because you already have one of those."

"Awww, man. But it was a good idea!"

Men. Ugh.

Luckily, his attention is easily diverted. He went back to the news, and I went back to folding laundry. I got a full 2 minute reprieve before his next bright news-inspired idea struck.

"Look, honey, there's a women's self-defense class in Orlando next week. Maybe you should check it out."

"So I can kick your ass more efficiently next time you come up with some hairbrained idea?"

Hey. That's not such a bad idea. :)

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