Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I was outside with the kids a few minutes ago and saw something odd. Some people in my neighborhood have been slowly moving in over the last week. Today, they are unloading a U-Haul trailer. I watched them carrying bed rails, lamps, boxes and bags full of clothes back and forth. Then they unloaded something that stumped me.

Yes, that is a nutcracker. A very BIG nutcracker. To give you a little perspective, here's a picture with a human in it.

Now seriously, what in the hell are they going to do with that? I thought of a few possible scenarios for the use of a giant nutcracker.

1. It's a holiday decoration. This is clearly the most likely use for a giant nutcracker. I can't help but wonder what they do with it the rest of the year, though. I can't imagine opening my closet (or attic or anything else) and seeing that thing staring at me. Creepy.

2. The woman is a ballet dancer, and likes to perform her own version of The Nutcracker Suite at home. I'm okay with this idea, unless she does it outside and/or tries to sell tickets around the neighborhood.

3. They eat a lot of really big nuts. I'm sure somewhere in the world there are nuts to match this cracker, maybe in the Amazon. Oooohhh, maybe it's a coconut cracker! Yep. I bet that's it.

4. It's more fun than a blow up doll. Hey, I've heard of stranger things.

5. They sell clothes on eBay and use it as a mannequin. If that's the case, I can't imagine they sell many clothes. I mean really, who wants to look like a nutcracker?

6. It's a big plot to confuse the neighbors. Hey neighbor - it worked.

If you happen to be my new neighbor and you happen to run across this blog, then welcome to the neighborhood. Feel free to stop by anytime and let me know what the hell you're planning on doing with Mr. McNutcracker. Next week I'll stop by with cookies. I'll put lots of nuts in them for you.

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